Transform your name effortlessly with our premium Deed Poll Name Change Service.
Trust our efficient, hassle-free Child Deed Poll

Rename yourself with a Deed Poll
Initiate your name change with us today through a Deed Poll and bypass the need for expensive solicitor’s.
By securing a Deed Poll from DEED POLL UK today, you gain the ability to update your name across all crucial documents and records. This includes everything from your British passport and driving licence, bank accounts, doctor and all government departments, all reflecting your chosen name.
Embark on this journey in just three easy steps…

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Signing your Deed Poll

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Receive your Deed Poll

Signing your Deed Poll

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Receive your Deed Poll

Signing your Deed Poll
Your Personal Details
Family Deed Poll Application
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Complete our online order form, providing all the necessary details for changing your name

To change your family’s surname (family means at least one parent and one child under the age of 16) please complete
and submit the secure application form below, which has provision for 6 children. Please note, the parent and their spouse/partner
can also change their title, first and middle names if required but children can only change their surname to the new family surname.
Before you complete this form, you may wish to read about our terms and conditions.
After you have submitted your application, you need to send us a letter of consent via our live helpdesk or contact form. A link to a page containing example letters of consent will be provided after you have submitted your application.
You must be the mother or father (with
parental responsibility) for the child(ren) whose name(s) are being changed to complete this application form. An
explanation of parental responsibility is given on our page Can I change my child’s name (opens new window). This article will also allow you to determine whether you have sole or joint parental responsibility for the child(ren). If you do not have parental responsibility, please contact our live
helpdesk for advice about how to proceed.
If you need assistance and wish to speak to a Deed Poll Officer, please call our Helpline (see top right of this page for the number and our opening hours)
Please note: All questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required